How to Use..

HELP Using this Website

Colored buttons are provided in the left column to show you what’s available and where you are. There are colored buttons for 4 levels, like this:

      Level 1  - BLUE  -
      Level 2 - GREEN
      Level 3 -  RED-
      Level 4 -  BLACK

The buttons make it easy to navigate in the four levels, but the problem is that the site has 3 more levels, Levels 5, 6 and 7. So the only way to tell where you are down in those levels is to find the lowest “depressed” button in the column at the left - “How to Use...”  is “depressed”.   or to find the GREEN BUTTON which shows which BLUE button you are “under.”



The majority of the information is grouped under three BLUE Buttons.  Use those 3 main buttons to keep track of which section you are in: The Man, Harvard, BYU. Each BLUE button has 4 sublevels. These are the BLUE buttons and the RED subsections:


Introduction to website