
Dad also wrote an article about our 3 week trip on Yukon River and submitted it to National Geographis around 1958. There is no evidence in his stuff that he actually did this but I have clear memories of him talking with mom about wanting to be published in N.G. and about using that article to attain that goal. I also have clear memories of him explaining to some one that the reason that the article was rejected was because the National Geographic had just run an article that was similar in content, thank you very much.  He took rejection badly, which is why there are no documents to show that he ever submitted the article.

He published an article in the Alaska Sportsman while living in Seward.

And he was a romantic poet, writing an impassioned goodby poem for his wife.

See PUBLICATIONS tab for detailed discussion of his publications in Paleontology, and the naming of dinosaurs involving his name.


Mural painting


Block-printing & Dress Making



Jewelry Making

Silk Screening & Painting

Drama & Singing




Knife Making

Copper Enameling

Silver Smith

Fish casts

Ivory work

Instrument Builder