This is the quarry that he went to in 1960. I know that’s so because he and I drove cross country in the Harvard panel truck while he was on his way to this location. This was the trip where all of my personal belongings were stolen in broad daylight on the street in front of the American Museum on Natural History. He was allowed to wait behind while the others had already left for the dig because my high school graduation was a week after their departure. I was headed to SLC that summer to work for my uncle Carl as a common laborer before going to college. The things that were stolen were my belongings for that school year. So when we arrived at Laramie around 10:00 p.m., we checked the Greyhound schedule for SLC and found that there was a bus leaving in half an hour. Dad bought my ticket, gave me $25 more and took off on his way to Montana. The Hell Creek Beds produced a variety of specimens, the most interesting one that summer being a 13 foot long Triceratops shield.
It shows up in this gallery of slides:
However, when dad was at BYU, he went to Hell Creek (click on Hell Creek to go there) and took about 20 photos which show up on that page.
LATER: I know that dad went to Hell Creek with Harvard. That was where he was headed when he dropped me off to catch a bus for SLC at 1030pm in June 1960. But then there are slides showing BYU folks collecting the thing so I am not sure what happened. I also found a photo of this quarry in which the skull has been removed and Rosendo Pasquale is in the image! He was at La Plata, Argentina when the first Harvard-Argentina was mounted and then spent a year in Cambridge so I got to know him personally. But the timeline for this skull is pretty confused now. Sorry. He didn’t leave notes.