Price Antrodemus

         The city of Price, Utah is situated down in the center of the state where there is enough dinosaur material for it to consider itself, like Vernal Utah, as being part of the dinosaur universe. To seal its claim to fame, Don Berg approached dad and worked out a contract for him to mount an antrodemus that would be put on display in a Price public building. I don’t know where the bones and restored bones came from, but there obviously were enough of them to put a complete skeleton together. Here are three photos of the process in the Paleo Lab at BYU, and one of the finished product before it was dissembled and transported to Price.


          In the first 3 photos, I’m working on the ribs and gastralia which were completely constructed of artificial material. OSHA would have fainted because I was mixing plaster of paris and asbestos powder for the ribs.
         Note that there is only one visible support, that under the pelvis. However, you can see in the middle picture that the steel supports along the back of the hind legs were also visible. You can also see that the center rod for the gastralia was soldered to the vertical support to add rigidity to the thorax. 

Feathers n Flight

Price Utah Antrodemus

LaBrea Mammoth

Fighting Dinosaurs

Challenge to the World

Fossil Eggs

[DINOSAUR JIM] [THE MAN] [QUARRIES] [GALLERIES] [HARVARD] [BYU] [ESC] [Dry Mesa Quarry] [Projects] [RECOGNITIONS] [Movies-TV productions] [BYU Controversy] [Miscellanea]