Japanese Film Crew

        The godzilla thing is a big deal in Japan and dinosaurs are just a variation on the theme. So  there was great interest from Japan in Dry Mesa. A team spent 2 weeks one summer in the quarry making a documentary of the process of finding, excavating and removing dinosaur bones. There were six Japanese men on the team as shown in the following photo. Eddie and Vivian Jones, the finders of Dry Mesa, are the third and fourth from the right on the back row.
I have prepared a gallery of photos and correspondence that pertain to this lengthy filming project:

Japanese Film Crew Gallery



Eddie & Vivian Jones

Jack McIntosh

 Japanese Film Makers


[DINOSAUR JIM] [THE MAN] [QUARRIES] [GALLERIES] [HARVARD] [BYU] [ESC] [Dry Mesa Quarry] [Projects] [RECOGNITIONS] [Movies-TV productions] [BYU Controversy] [Miscellanea]